The word chakra is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning ‘wheel of light.’
Put simply, chakras are energy vortexes which exist within each of us. All living things – humans, animals, plants and trees – have a chakra system.
You can think of your chakra system as similar to a spiritual blood stream. As blood transports oxygen, nutrients and hormones throughout the body, connecting all your physical parts; your chakra system connects and supports your physical self and energy self.
There are 7 major chakras within the body. Each one is associated with specific organs and glands, physical functions and disfunctions, and emotional, mental and spiritual issues.
When we become aware of our chakras and the effect they have when balanced, or unbalanced, we begin to connect with ourselves more fully and learn how to heal ourselves on all levels, creating true holistic healing. Healing can be done in varying ways such as crystals, meditation and yoga.

Chakra Re-Balancing

When the 7 chakras are clean and free from any blockages, they promote spiritual, intellectual and emotional well-being. If a chakra is blocked it will affect your ability to function in this part of your life, showing either physical symptoms or emotional.
During chakra re-balancing a dousing crystal is used to check the energy flow within your chakras. If a chakra is blocked the dousing crystal will lay still. If it is clear it will move or swing.
Once your chakras have been checked, I will then explain any imbalances to you before setting the relevant crystal on the blocked chakras starting from the feet up. You will lie peacefully for 20minutes letting the crystals natural vibration connect with your aura and help shift your chakra back into an energetic flow. The crystals shall then be removed from the head down.
Re-balancing may not be needed, in which case, all 7 crystals are placed on your chakras to help keep them clear and in tune with your energy.

Do you feel unbalanced?
Below are the 7 chakras explained along with any symptoms, both physical and mental that you may feel if you are in need of re-balancing.
The 7 Chakras

The Root Chakra
The root chakra is largely responsible for how safe and secure we feel. When balanced we are grounded, energetic, independent, trusting in the ebb and flow of life. When unbalanced we become fearful, unstable and insecure that our most basic and primal needs are being met (such as food, shelter, clothing, love).
- Physical dysfunctions could include – chronic lower back pain, constipation, haemorrhoids, auto immune disorders.
- Mental and emotional issues could include – family and group safety issues, inability to stand up for ones self.

The Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra is most closely associated with sexual and reproductive activities as well as emotions and creativity. When balanced we are in the flow of our creative expression, our sexual appetite is healthy, we can create and maintain healthy relationships. When unbalanced our creativity is stifled, we are out of touch with pleasure and may hold feelings of shame.
- Physical dysfunctions could include – chronic lower back pain, gynaecological problems, pelvic pain, bladder problems, sexual dysfunction, hip issues.
- Mental and emotional issues could include – guilt and shame around sex or money, creative inability, lack of honour in relationships.

The Solar Plexus Chakra
The solar plexus chakra corresponds with our personality, self-esteem and sense of worth. When balanced we are ambitious, confident, and independent, we know our self worth and cultivate our power in health ways. When unbalanced we become deeply insecure and passively let others make choices for us, we have a great need for keeping up appearances and often feel the need to dominate and control. In short, we do not respect ourselves.
- Mental and emotional issues could include – guilt and shame around sex or money, creative inability, lack of honour in relationships.
- Mental and emotional issues could include – low self confidence, low self esteem, lack of self care.

The Heart Plexus Chakra
The heart chakra holds our connection to both our physical and spiritual selves. It is all about love and everything that comes with it, compassion, empathy, kindness, respect. When balanced we are joyful and able to both give and receive love. When unbalanced we become jealous, bitter and have difficulty loving ourselves and others. We feel unlovable.
- Physical dysfunctions could include – Congestive heart failure, heart attack, heart disease, lung cancer, chest infections. Mental and emotional issues could include – Repressed heartache or grief. Self-centeredness, loneliness.

The Throat Chakra
The throat chakra has much to do with our true authentic voice. It is responsible for how we express ourselves and our personal truths. When balanced we can articulate our thoughts and feeling with honesty and assertiveness. When unbalanced we feel silenced and judged making it difficult to speak our truth.
- Physical dysfunctions could include – Raspy and sore throat, mouth ulcers, swollen glands, lingering cough, neck problems.
- Mental and emotional issues could include – lack of personal expression, lack of decision making, addiction, criticism.

The Third Eye Chakra
The third eye chakra is associated with our ‘sixth sense’. It deals with insight, intuition and wisdom. When balanced we trust our inner vision and act on intuition. When unbalanced we feel uncertain, trusting only our intellect to make decisions.
- Physical dysfunctions could include – eye pain, blindness, deafness, spinal difficulties, headaches, brain fog.
- Mental and emotional issues could include – lack of trust in intuition, no openness toward new ideas, feeling of being stuck.

The Crown Chakra
The crown chakra is a source of connection to the Divine and higher selves. When balanced we are open and guided by a force greater than ourselves. When unbalanced, we feel lost and without a sense of purpose.
- Physical dysfunctions could include – chronic exhaustion, depression, energetic disorders, extreme sensitivity to light/sound.
- Mental and emotional issues could include – inability to see the larger picture, selflessness, lack of courage.